
This blog is me, mostly. I plan to use this to document a lot of what it means to me to be alive, and happy most of the time. I am an adult who is happily married to the love of my life. I am a mom. I am a pet owner. I am a crafter, and a sewer, and a dollmaker. I am also dealing with a number of first world problems such as anxiety, borderline agoraphobia stemming from said anxiety, and a sometimes crippling battle with self-esteem issues and fear of death. I think it’s important to be honest about these things.

What you will find here:

-Reviews of products that I use and purchase
-Summaries and tutorials of how I do things in my day to day life
-Random thoughts and ideas that I find inspiring

What you will not find here:
-Photography stuff: I am a professional photographer. If you are interested in seeing more of my photography, visit my website here: www.faeyephotography.com
-Burlesque Stuff: I am a burlesque performer in some of my rare spare time. You can find my adventures in that arena by visiting my alter ego’s website here: www.hedyharper.com
-Clown Stuff: I do perform as a professional clown from time to time. You can find my clown character’s adventures at her website here: www.zibettheclown.com

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