Citrus Lane Review: January 2013 Box

Last month I reviewed my first gift box from Citrus Lane with stellar results. I also promised that I would review my next box so that a fair evaluation could be made as to whether their subscription service is worth the price. As a reminder, I got my subscription on sale and only paid $16.50 per box. As part of my evaluation I will assess whether the subscription is worth this price, the standard 6 month price of $21 per box, or the 3 month price of $25 per box. Last month it would have been worth it at any of these, let’s see what this month has to offer!

January 2013 Box

Once again, the box was fun to get in the mail. I love getting packages, and having the element of surprise that comes with not knowing what’s inside only made it better. I imagine it would be even more fun if Baby Girl had been old enough to help me open it.

What was in the box:

Item 1: Night and Day Discovery Toy by Skip Hop
Retail Price: $14.00
Bought it Anyway?  Yes
Notes: I adore Skip Hop brand items. We have two of their awesome diaper bags, and I am in love with several of their other items, including many of their toys. I’m pretty picky about baby toys, I think a lot of the “tried and true” brands make a lot of noise, look tacky, and aren’t actually very interesting for babies. Baby Girl likes toys that do things and have several different textures. This toy fits the bill. Funny story though, she had actually already received this toy in her Christmas stocking at her Great-Grandma’s house this year! I still got my money’s worth out of this item though, as I called a couple of department stores (I won’t say who, since it’s definitely cheating the system a bit) and found one that takes returns for store credit without a receipt and also regularly stocks this toy, and was able to get a full $14.00 in store credit that we used to purchase a Winkel, which we had been meaning to purchase for a few months (Best teething toy around, hands down). Awesome. If you’re looking to purchase the awesome Skip Hop toy though, use coupon code Citruslane25 for 25% off any purchase of $30 or more from the Skip Hop store through 2/15/13.

Item 2: Soothing Creme by Episencial
Retail Price: $11.00
Bought it Anyway? Maybe
Notes: I’m actually rather glad to find this stuff in the box. To be honest, we’re still working our way through the bottles and bottles of lotion that we got as gifts before and after Baby Girl was born, but it isn’t the nicest stuff, and now that it’s winter her skin is starting to show signs of irritation. She’s had some symptoms of baby eczema and dermatitis in the past, so I feel like if she has some flare ups, this is the stuff to use rather than the J&J we have hanging out in the closet. This stuff is especially great if you’re against any type of additives in your baby products, as it is missing any enzymes or fragrances that might cause a reaction in your baby’s skin. They also included a sample size packet of their “Playful Wash” baby wash and shampoo in one, which I’m sure we’ll use. After browsing through the Episencial website, I’m sort of eying their “Cheeky Salve” for treating and preventing chapped cheeks and lips in babies, as I think Baby Girl is starting to get some chapped cheeks, especially after we take the dog for a walk in the winter air. Good thing Citrus Lane included a coupon! If you’re eying anything on the Episencial site like I am, here’s a coupon for you! Use code EPICITRUS to receive $5 off all orders through 3/1/2013.

Item 3: Baby Laundry Detergent by Dropps
Retail Price: $1.00
Bought it Anyway? No
Notes: I’m kind of disappointed by this item. While I would probably use it anyway, since it’s an enzyme free detergent for sensitive skin, one of my two included pouches burst in shipping, and now the second pouch is all covered in ooey-gooey detergent. I’m tempted to just throw it out rather than try to fish out a single pouch. Blech. On top of that, I’m not really looking for a new baby detergent, since I already have a great all natural detergent that is also cloth diaper safe (a must in this cloth diaper household!). Not only that, but I have 3 1/2 huge boxes of it still, as it is most cost effective to buy it in the case. When I buy it in a case I get it for only 25 cents a load, which is half the price of the Dropps stuff. That said, I’m sure this is a great baby specific detergent if you are in need of that, so I won’t talk you out of it, it’s just not for me. If you are interested though, use code CITRUSLANE for 20% off any order through 6/1/2013 in the Dropps store.

Item 4:First Tastes Pouch by Ella’s Kitchen
Retail Price: $1.19
Bought it Anyway? No
Notes: I’m never really excited when I get baby food, I have to say. I love to cook, and I am really excited to save money by making Baby Girl homemade baby food. It’s so simple and easy, and most of it you can make for yourself as well (steam some vegetables for dinner, throw a few into the blender while you’re at it…tada!). That said, I’m glad that I’ve received a few jars and pouches of baby food as gifts, as I’ll be starting to feed Baby Girl solids soon, and since I have no idea how the first few weeks will go, I don’t want to waste time and fresh food on some ill fated food encounters. Better to start off with a tablespoon of organic baby food from the pantry and see how it goes. Might as well. So while I have absolutely no plans to ever purchase manufactured baby food, this ends up as a no. We got the mangoes, which is nice, as it just seems like something fun. That’s just me being silly…but I’m allowed to be. If you’d like to purchase some food pouches, use code CITRUSEK2013 for $5 off a purchase of $25 through 12/31/2013.

Item 5: Farmyard Rhymes from Barefoot Books
Retail Price: $6.99
Bought it Anyway? Maybe
Notes: We are a book family. I almost never get rid of books, and I like to own books. I like to love my books well, and I hate the self-conscious feeling that comes from reading someone else’s book and having to be its caretaker. As a kid, my parents were never stingy with the books, and my brother and I were huge fans of reading from an early age. I would love it if Baby Girl were the same way, and so would Hubby. As a result, she owns a lot of books. We made it clear to everyone we know that books were always a good gift, put books on Baby Girl’s amazon wishlist, and bought her a membership in a Dr. Seuss book club (they’re books we would want her to have anyway, and 3 for the price of 2 is always a good deal). This only gets a maybe because while I love the hand-stitched illustration style and whimsical nature of this board book, I’m a sucker for nursery rhymes and hate it when they appear incomplete in book after book. Because of this I probably wouldn’t have bought it myself, but it’s fun now that we have it, and I know it will be well loved, as none of our nursery rhyme books so far are quite as fun and baby friendly. Baby Girl likes to turn pages, so I’ve been relegated to reading mostly board books recently, and I’m sure we’ll be reading this one frequently.
As a bonus, Barefoot Books is a great little company to support. They are an independent press (which is almost always a good thing), and they support many charitable organizations that share their goals of global understanding, empowering children through art and story, and protecting and preserving the earth for future generations. They also have an “Ambassador Program” that allows stay at home moms to promote a great company and children’s literacy, while fundraising for causes they care about and making a little money on the side. All great stuff, in my humble opinion. Plus, they carry puppets in their online shop, and that’s always a selling point in my book.
If you’re looking for a great book for your child, use code CITRUSJAN13 at checkout for 25% off through 3/1/2013.

In Summary: Is It Worth It?
Items I would definitely have bought before the box: $14.00
Items I love now that I have them: $17.99
Total value of stuff I’m glad I got: $31.99
Answer: YES

Based on the parameters, yes, it was worth the subscription price for me. I paid $16.50, but even at $21.00 or $25.00, I still got more value out of my box of items this month than I put into it. This is starting to look like a pretty good deal here in month two, but who knows, one of these months might be a total bomb. As of right now, I can definitely recommend a subscription to Citrus Lane.


Is Citrus Lane Worth It?

Most of you have probably heard of Citrus Lane. A subscription service that sends you a gift box full of age appropriate items for you child aged 0-3 years old each month. I like subscriptions, and I like the element of surprise that comes along with them. It’s fun. After purchasing my subscription, however, I started to wonder if it was really worth it. I have only received my first box, but I will continue to review each box as it arrives. In order to evaluate, I will tell you if each box was worth my sale price (I bought my 6 month subscription during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale, costing me $16.50 per box), the standard 6 month price of $21 per box, or the 3 month price of $25 per box. I will do this by reviewing each item in the box and deciding if it’s something I would have bought anyway or might have bought anyway, and add up the price. I will include links and photos of each product along with their retail prices so that you can evaluate for yourself (I know not everyone buys the same things I do!). I hope this is helpful!

December Box

I have to say, I did love receiving the box in the mail, and it was fun that it was addressed to Lilly rather than to myself, which would have been especially fun if she was a little older and we could open it together, but she was only 4 months old at the time.

What was in the box:

Item 1: Eli Elephant Take Along Toy by Tiny Love
Retail Price: $6.99
Bought it Anyway?  Maybe
Notes: I actually really love this little toy. It is not one that had caught my eye previously, as I had never even heard of the Tiny Love line of toys before, but both baby and I really love it. It is brightly colored without being tacky (don’t you hate how tacky most baby toys are now?), and it is very tactile, with a variety of textures in the different fabrics used to create it. When you pull on him, he jitters and vibrates. Baby Girl already had one toy similar to this one that she really loved, so I was not surprised that she was a fan of Eli. He does have an advantage though, since he has a trunk that is the perfect size for her to grab or fit in her mouth for a good chew. The retail price for him is pretty much spot on, he’s not a rip off, but you’re getting a good quality item for your money. My only issue with him is that I can’t seem to decide if I like his clip or not. Instead of the standard link that most all baby toys have now, he has a clip. There are times that I like the clip, as you can clip him to the crib slat or other item that the links won’t attach to, but it makes it impossible to lengthen him by adding extra links, and the clip is too large to clip to the wall of my play area fence, which is disappointing. Maybe it’s good to have one toy with a clip and one with a link (we do have both now!), so that you can use each for what they’re good for, but I still feel like the link is a bit more versatile.
Now, if you want to purchase your own Eli the Elephant, I have bad news. I’m sure you can find him somewhere else, but for now the Tiny Love shop is sold out of him. They do have plenty of their other Take Along toys available for the same price though, which are basically the same item, just different animals; including Elsie the Elephant, the pink version of Eli.

Item 2: Babyprints Keepsake Wall Hanging Kit by Pearhead
Retail Price: $9.99
Bought it Anyway? Maybe
Notes: I’m not really the cheesy type of mom that would normally do this kind of thing, but there are a few good things about this kit that I thought were good to share. While the baby hand or footprint forever captured in plaster definitely tugs at my heartstrings, I never liked the idea of mixing up plaster and then cleaning up baby in order to do it. As a matter of fact, I have a plaster footprint kit that our Credit Union gave us when we opened Baby Girl’s savings account that I still haven’t gotten around to doing because I have nowhere to put the thing when it’s done and just the thought of making that mess and then cleaning plaster off of Baby Girl’s foot gives me a headache. This kit actually solves those problems beautifully. The kit isn’t just a bag of plaster in a tin. It is actually an air dry clay (brilliant idea, why didn’t I think of it?) that you roll out to a certain thickness, press baby’s hand or foot into (minimum clean up, just a wet wipe will do the trick!), then cut into the perfect shape. It comes with a mini rolling pin, and a circle cutter that you can just throw away afterwards without making a mess of your kitchen items, and it also comes with a ribbon so you can hang it on the nursery wall or on your holiday tree! I haven’t actually done it yet, as I am waiting until Baby Girl will hold her hand open long enough, as I have my heart set on a hand print rather than a footprint. I have read the instructions and studied the kit parts though, and I’m sort of excited about it. Not a bad price for a kit like this either, considering what a good air dry clay costs at the craft store. I’m satisfied with the value.
If you want to purchase your own, the Pearhead website isn’t selling this kit right now per se, though they do sell other awesome products in their Babyprints line. A quick Google will tell you that many of your favorite baby item stores do carry this item, including Buy Buy Baby and Amazon (it is more expensive at Amazon).

Item 3: Skinny Charles Bangle Set in Cobalt by Chewbeads
Retail Price: $19.50
Bought it Anyway? No
Notes: All I really have to say about this item is Eh. I’ve seen products like this a million times, and I’ve always been kind of put off by them. In all the years I was babysitting or helping my mom with her at home daycare, I always thought you were supposed to encourage babies not to grab at and chew on your jewelry. It seems to me that using products like this one will only blur the line between what is a toy and what isn’t. Give them teething friendly jewelry, and doesn’t that send a message that all jewelry is okay to chew on? Chewbeads has an entire line of this stuff, from necklaces to bracelets, and I suppose if your baby is the type that is always grabbing at your jewelry no matter what and you don’t want to give up your bling, then these might be a good option for you, but the whole idea turns me off a little bit. That said, Baby Girl hasn’t gotten to the point yet where she grabs my jewelry a lot, and I’m not really the type to be without one of her teething toys when I’m out and about. I do like the colors, and if you’re into fun, colorful jewelry, these are cute, so maybe they are a good thing, I can’t decide. The only situation I can think of where these would really come in handy is if we were out somewhere, I had remembered to wear these, Baby Girl was being difficult, and I didn’t have anything safe to hand over other than these things. I suppose such a circumstance is possible, but still unlikely in most cases. The fact remains that I wouldn’t have bought them myself, but I’m keeping them around anyway. The other reason I don’t like them is that they seem a little pricey for what they are. They are essentially glorified Livestrong bracelets, material wise, though a little thicker, and I’m pretty sure I’ve bought one of those for just a couple of dollars.
If these are for you and you like this idea, you can purchase them directly from Chewbeads.

Item 4: Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water by MOM Enterprises, Inc.
Retail Price: Varies, but around $12.00
Bought it Anyway? Yes
Notes: I have to say, I was pretty excited when I found this stuff in the box. Baby Girl was super gassy as a newborn, and gets more violent hiccups than I have ever seen a child experience. We tried standard infant gas drops, which worked fine for actual gas, but did nothing for any of her other discomfort. I had looked at Gripe Water in the store many times, and as she was starting to act like she was having teething pain on top of everything else, I was seriously considering springing for some. It had never actually been directly recommended to me, but I had heard whispers about its miraculous properties, and wanted to experience them for myself. To be honest, the only reason I hadn’t pulled the trigger yet was the price. Twelve dollars? Really? Gas drops were way cheaper, and I wasn’t even convinced this would work. Hence my excitement when I realized I could try them without buying them directly! I have only used it once so far, and it wasn’t to deal with any specific problem, so I can’t give a definitive review on them just yet, but I can tell you that I’ve never heard a bad word about it, and one quick Google will get you more rave reviews than any one product deserves. I’m happy to have this in my back pocket, that’s for sure.
Want to buy it for yourself? It’s available just about everywhere, but the parent company website, here can tell you what stores near you carry it, and they also have a clippable $1 off coupon on the site. Walgreen’s seems to have it the cheapest, so just keep a lookout for it in your favorite stores.

Item 5: Sea Salt Caramel Popcorn, Small Pouch by 479° Popcorn
Retail Price: $2.00 per pouch
Bought it Anyway? No
Notes: The explanation for this one is simple. If I’m going to buy myself a treat, it’s probably going to be chocolate. While I occasionally eat popcorn if it’s good (no movie popcorn, yes to a good kettle corn), it doesn’t come close to making my list of top ten treats. So it’s pretty obvious that I would not have bought that for myself. Having said that, this caramel corn was pretty delicious. Delicious enough that I was grateful that it came in a 100 calorie single serving pouch, or I probably would have eaten much more of it. I love sea salt in my sweets, and that was the best part of this. If you are a caramel corn fan, this should definitely go in your yes column, but I wouldn’t buy it for myself. It also would have made a good stocking stuffer for my husband if he didn’t hate popcorn even more than I do.
If you would like to purchase some for yourself, they come in 12 ct. boxes for the small pouches, or you can buy larger pouches (watch out waistline!) in 6 ct. boxes directly from the company website.

Item 6: $15 Gift Voucher to Ecomom
Retail Price: $15.00
Bought it Anyway? No
Notes: This is a nice item. That said, the selection in this online store is very limited, their prices aren’t horrible, but they aren’t good either, and even with the free shipping that comes with the voucher, it’s pretty difficult to not end up spending more than $15 on your order, which I would say is probably exactly why they threw it in. They do carry some nice things, and I would say that if they carry something that costs more than $15 that you were planning to purchase somewhere else anyway, this is a GREAT thing for you, but the things they carry I would normally buy I can get a better deal on somewhere else, so I was on a mission not to spend more than my $15. I ended up spending $16, so only $1 of my own money. I purchased two toys, both of which I have since received and both Baby Girl and I are very happy with them. Of course, after buying them I noticed that both of them had been previously sent out in Citrus Lane boxes in the last year and started dreading the moment in the next six months when I might possibly get one of them again and regret spending my voucher on them. Of course, the toys are great, so if I do get doubles I would have no problem regifting them to one of my many pregnant friends in the coming months. Still a bummer. On the plus side, if you are a cloth diaperer like I am, and are looking for an excuse to try out a new brand of AIO or cover, this could be your chance. I only use AIOs when we have a babysitter, but I’ve been trying different brands when they go on sale (so much pricier than prefolds and covers!), and $15 off a brand I haven’t tried yet would have been pretty good if I had thought about it at the time. Ah well, hindsight is 20/20. Also on the plus side, and this one is a BIG plus, this is a company with a conscience. Every order you make feeds a hungry child in the US for one day. The same brands of nutritious food that they sell, they give a way to children in need. It’s nice to get something AND do something for someone else. You can read all about this program of theirs here.
So I would actually recommend this shop to people, but if I’m being honest, I will probably continue to get better deals at other stores.

In Summary: Is It Worth It?
Items I would definitely have bought before the box: $12.00
Items I love now that I have them: $16.98
Total value of stuff I’m glad I got: $28.98
Answer: YES

Based on the parameters, yes, it was worth the subscription price for me. I paid $16.50, but even at $21.00 or $25.00, I still got more value out of my box of items in December than I put into it. This doesn’t mean that this will end up being the case all six months, so you’ll have to stay tuned to find out if it’s worth it each month, and if it averages out to be worth it overall. As of right now, I can definitely recommend a subscription to Citrus Lane.